Saturday, March 6

The First Week

Fuh.. fuh.. fuh..

Oh.. Hello guys and gals..


*deep breath*

Okay.. Officially, the first week of study is over.. I can’t believe that we, the third year geology students only have one class per day.. except Wednesday and Friday; the former has two classes and the latter has NO CLASS AT ALL!! Walaoweyh~

But a bit sad la when most of the classes start at 5.30 and end around 7 to 7.30 p.m. Bila aku hari2 bangun pukul 7, time ni la pulak kelas start petang.. –.-‘’ Tidak patut sungguh..

Anyway.. although we have only that much of a class, we have a big project for the whole semester.. both the academic and sports.. Now I know what it feels like to have a power as a Vice President.. Punya lah banyak benda mau difikirkan..

I’ve been going for sports at night for three days straight now.. Mula2, main volleyball and pingpong and futsal.. then main basketball… and just now, main badminton pulak.. To summarize, it was all AWESOMELY FANTASTIC!! Seronok dapat bersukan dgn member2.. Bukan selalu dapat peluang camnih.. :)

Now, my left hand still sore.. Kebas tangan kiri asek hayun raket je.. Main tak berenti2.. Hehe..

2moro, I’ll be having a field trip with my group-mates… I hope I can be more serious, hardworking, supportive, attentive etc.. for the benefit of me and my teammates.. Buat kerja lain semangat.. buat kerja yang serious, lain pulak cerita nya.. =.=’’

Oh.. dah ngantuk.. Bye~ ^_^


jumaat_asar said...

gapammm..finally i found ur blog!!! wow..mintak ijin utk di'link' ya pak!!

Anonymous said...

haha, dh bersukan ni hati hati
nnt dislocate tgn pula dok main badminton
jk ok
huhu, vp ke ko this sem
berat jgk tu
ape pun, marilah menikmati tahun akhir ini dgn kenangan yg indah indah