Thursday, November 12

I'm still learning..

Ehehe... I got a new guitar.. My new baby.. 

Haha... I've learned new songs today.. Thanks to Aswad and Syabil... Memang recently, we hang out at our common area n melalak tgh malam until 3 am.. Hehe... Macam2 lagu kitorg nyanyi.. Mostly, i did the singing part while syabil main gitar.. Hehe.. But now since I got my new guitar.. Boleh la I practice.. Wehehe~ 

Most songs that I've learned are Malay Song.. Rock kapak weh.. Fuhh.. But Aswad ada ajar juak lagu2 english ni.. Nanti la i letak what songs that I have learned..

I know I'm supposed to be studying but.. dah tak masuk.. wat to do.. :P

I am planning to modify the guitar a bit.. cam lapuk da gitar nya.. ada part yang dah tercabut kene beli.. 1st string takde.. pun kena beli jugak.  

Kenapa la mood nak main gitar time ni =.='' huhu~ tapi i dont care.. I'll do what I love the most 1st.. hehe.. Always like that.. Hate priorities.. Ppl shud do wut ever they want.. But ya lah.. have to face the consequences later on.. :)

I will really take good care of this guitar.. I promise.. Thank you~  :)
Ahahaha.. Buat cam gitar sendiri.. Hahaha.. Padan muka.. Dah tuan punya gitar malas belajar.. 


Kim said...

ok. so what guitar did u buy? what brand? how much $$ did it cost? :P hahaaha.

=Waniduckie= said...

Oy~! Hahahah!

me said...

Kim: oh.. i kinda 'stole' it from sum1 n make it as if it's my own damn guitar.. hahahaha!

Wani: Ye~~?? :P