Wednesday, November 18


Yeah~ Exam week is over now.. 

Overall, for me.. Geology 202 is the toughest paper cos i'm not totally ready for that unit.. mana tak nya, the paper is on Monday.. and holiday mood kicked in already.. playing games.. playing guitar all night.. the other housemate pon cm2 gak.. Enjoy ja kerja mereka.. Mana mau saya tak jeles? :P

Tapi untuk paper2 lain.. i guess it's ok.. heh.. i'm not complaining much.. cos i'm not that prepared if yu want to compare with other guys.. 

Ada stoli that i wan to share with yu.. it happened time last paper.. After almost completing my paper.. I asked to go to the toilet.. and so I went.. Sampai kat toilet punya la ramai org.. One ppl was waiting for his turn and another ppl was combing his hair.. I'm the third one.. I waited and then one toilet booth opened.. I gave way to that one person cos dia tunggu lagi lama.. Another toilet booth opened and there he was.. at first we looked at each other.. nak cakap tapi takot kantoi.. so yeah.. i just gave him a thumb up and smiled.. heheh.. i pon masuk la the booth.. suddenly i heard knock from the outside and calling my name.. Baru mok kemeh.. Hahaha~! This was the conversation that i had with him..

A: *knock* Ghapam... Ghapam..
G: *open the door* Ye.. Kenapa?

A: err..errr..err.. Kau buat pasal metamorphic fluid tak?
G: Err.. Buat.. Kenapa?

A: Kau tau boundary yang kat atas tu? Yang kat bawah tu wet solidus.. Yang kat atas tu ape?
G: errr.. *takot kantoi so i spoke softly and not in a so-geli-and-gay-like-shit-way* Umm.. Brittle-ductile..

A: Haa? *cos he cant hear me*
G: err.. *still takot kantoi and still spoke softly and still.. not in a so-geli-and-gay-like-shit-way* Brittle-ductile~

A: Haa? X dgr..

A: Oooh.. Ok2..

Hahahahaha... Classic weh.. The best moment of my life.. Ppl asked me question.. About geology lagi tuh.. Hahaha.. I was smiling the whole way sampai la dekat depan my room.. hehe.. and I was so damn bored cos I finished answering the paper.. So i drew diagram of everything that i can think of.. *appropriate and relevant :P* and just submit the paper..

And here I am.. Being lazy now.. I still dont have any plans for holiday yet.. Kalau ada apa2 nak hangout ka, ajak la ok? I am planning on staying away from home for a while.. Maybe go to kl.. Have some fun.. Release some tension.. and then baru balik..

I'll be staying here in Miri until 5th of December.. Actually I have a lot of plans but ya la kan.. when the plans involved ppl, we have to give and take.. Some jadi.. some tak jadi.. 

I had a conversation with my ex just now.. Miss her voice.. Lama tak dengar stories dari dia.  Really miss her tho.. miss the good times and bad times we had together although it's not for long.. ya la.. I was already leaving the high skool when we were together.. She will be taking her SPM today.. although yu will not read this.. My wish is that do your best for your SPM.. I know that yu can do it.. Yu proved it to me before and i'm sure that yu can prove it to me again.. Baca doa banyak2.. 

err.. and same goes to yu Tengku Fatin Huwaina, Alyaa, Syafiah Mahfuzah and Ainaa Munirah.. hahaha.. come to think of it.. i close to girls more that i ever talk to my juniors yang laki2.. :P


and one more thing..

(15 NOVEMBER 2009)
I know that I'm not close to yu and we seldom talk.. but i'll always remember that yu r always smiling everytime we see each other. May God bless yu and yur family.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha raanyer aku tau sapa A... ko ade twit pasal jumpa A time exam dalam toiletkan?? hahaha

me said...

hehe.. btol2.. :P