Sunday, November 22

Pre-Holiday Holiday..

Hey guys~

How yu've been so far? I know.. I know.. Holiday is just beginning for like one week.. I'm sure that all of yu have all sorts of plans for yur holiday right? Whether it's with yur family or friends. Well, I am here in Miri until 5th of December.. Till then, I will enjoy myself to the fullest with my housemate, Cendol, Sedut, and Syabil including Aswad, Hafis, Pokeh, Chong, and Fuad.. and yeah.. sumtimes Hill.. haha.. (sorry guys.. menjaja nama korang di blogku yg tidak best ni :P) 

Sedut and Syabil will be leaving Miri for good.. and I really hope they got what they wish for.. Kerja that is.. Boleh la belanja kitorg makan pulak.. Hahaha!

Yesterday night, Chong brought his newly-bought XBOX 360 that he just bought from Bintang.. 


Yeah~ Manyak giler game wooo...

Some of the games that come together with the console:

1. FIFA 2010
2. Fable 2
3. UFC 2009: Undisputed
4. Gears of Wars 2
5. Assassin's Creed 2
6. Tekken 6
7. Halo (I forgot which one)

and I've been playing like 4 of these games.. It was so much fun.. Dari malam semlm until now weh.. haha~ Enjoy sakan.. I've become nocturnal just nice when the exam week is over... Woohoo.. And until now.. Main game jak.. No one wants to bring me out.. to anywhere.. huhuhu~ 

My eyes won't shut... yet... maybe after I go to breakfast.. baru nak terlelap kot.. Hehehe..

Err... What else?

Ummm... That's all kot.. for today.. I guess...


Bye~ cheerio! :)

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